Dylan Zingle
Dylan Zingle
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora - Business Structuring

Main Objective: Agora Tutoring and Agora Connections are seeking comprehensive business advice on optimal corporate structures. We aim to understand how we can effectively organize both entities to enhance operational efficiency, provide liability protection, optimize tax liabilities, reduce insurance costs, simplify bookkeeping, and protect owners and business liabilities.Project Goal: The goal of this project is to analyze the current structures of Agora Tutoring and Agora Connections and explore potential restructuring options. This includes examining the feasibility of creating a holding company, evaluating different business structures (e.g., LLC, corporation), and providing recommendations to reduce costs and improve legal and financial protections.

Matches 0
Category Operations + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Digital Marketing - Social Media Presence

As we seek to expand our digital presence, we recognize the need to enhance our marketing strategies, which have been previously neglected. To advance our promotional efforts, we intend to collaborate with students and recent graduates who can help us develop and distribute engaging content. Key Initiatives Include: 1. Initializing a Meta Account: We will set up a Meta account to streamline our communications and promotions across Facebook and Instagram, platforms where many of our target users are active. 2. Completing Facebook and Instagram Pages: We will develop these pages to fully represent our brand’s mission and the educational services we offer, ensuring they resonate with both potential tutors and students. A branding kit will be provided to assist in this process. 3. Establishing a LinkedIn Presence: Creating and optimizing our LinkedIn profile to connect with professionals and recent graduates, enhancing our visibility in a more formal professional network. This platform will be crucial for reaching potential tutors and educational partners. Responsibilities for Participating Students: - Understanding our Target Market: Students must grasp the needs and preferences of our target market, which includes students seeking tutoring and graduates looking for teaching opportunities. Additional Opportunities: - Suggesting SEO Strategies: Sudents will have the opportunity to propose SEO strategies that enhance the visibility of our content, making our tutoring services more accessible to a broader audience. ·      This initiative aims not only to bolster our marketing capabilities but also to provide valuable marketing experience to students and recent graduates in the field. The focus on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and LinkedIn will ensure a comprehensive approach to our digital marketing efforts, addressing both casual and professional networking needs.

Matches 1
Category Market expansion + 4
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Developing Business Process Model

Objective:The primary objective of this project is to develop an updated Business Process Model for Agora Connections, emphasizing the alignment of its operations with potential funding opportunities. The project also aims to prepare supporting documentation for grant applications, ensuring Agora Connections is well-positioned to secure financial support for scaling its services and expanding its market reach.Problem to be Solved:Agora Connections requires a detailed and updated Business Process Model that not only refines its current operations but also highlights its strategic objectives, competitive advantages, and market potential. This project is crucial for showcasing the company's readiness for growth and attracting potential investors or grant agencies, particularly in light of opportunities like the Canada Digital Adoption Program.Expected Outcomes:Business Process Model: A comprehensive model outlining Agora Connections' key business components, including customer segments, value propositions, revenue streams, and key activities.Strategic Recommendations: In-depth suggestions for refining the business model, based on market research and analysis.Funding Application Package: Tailored documentation for funding applications, including executive summaries, market analysis, competitive advantages, and financial projections.Professional Presentation: A summary presentation of the business process model and strategic recommendations, suitable for potential investors or funding bodies.Business Model Canvas: A visual summary that concisely presents Agora Connections' business model and key components.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Pricing Packages and Service Structures

Main Objective:The goal of this project is to create competitive and scalable pricing packages specifically for Agora Connections' Odoo service offerings. Learners will analyze the market for Odoo implementations, support services, and training, and design pricing models that attract small businesses while ensuring profitability.Project Goal:By the end of the project, learners will provide a detailed pricing model for Odoo-related services, including implementation, customization, ongoing support, and training packages. The model should reflect the needs of different customer segments and consider both the short-term and long-term value provided by Agora Connections.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Frontend Development to Enhanced User Experience

Main Objective of the ProjectThe main objective of this project is to improve Agora Tutoring’s website by updating key sections and creating new user flows to enhance overall user experience, functionality, and compliance. This involves revising the registration process, ensuring backend integration, and developing a comprehensive Help section. These updates will streamline user onboarding, improve information accessibility, and ensure that users are fully informed and compliant with platform policies.

Matches 1
Category Website development + 3
Edmonton Whitewater Paddlers
Edmonton Whitewater Paddlers
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

EWP - Boosting Social Media Presence

Project Objective:The goal of this project is to develop and execute a social media advertising strategy that increases awareness, engagement, and membership for Edmonton Whitewater Paddlers (EWP). By the end of the project, students will have created compelling content, optimized social media campaigns, and analyzed results to enhance EWP’s digital footprint across platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - User Experience Review and Enhancement

Main Objective of the ProjectProject Goal: The primary objective of this project is to comprehensively review and enhance the Agora Tutoring website's user experience, from initial user registration to overall site usability. The project aims to improve the website's voice, navigation, and content to create a more intuitive, engaging, and user-friendly platform for students and tutors.Problem Description:Learners will tackle the following challenges:User Experience Review:Identify areas where the current user experience is lacking or could be improved.Gather and analyze user feedback to pinpoint specific pain points and areas of confusion.Application Testing:Conduct thorough testing of the website’s functionality, from user registration to booking tutoring sessions.Detect and document bugs, inconsistencies, and other technical issues affecting usability.Voice and Tone Improvement:Evaluate the website’s current voice and tone to ensure it aligns with Agora Tutoring’s brand identity.Propose and implement changes to make the website’s communication more engaging and user-friendly.Wayfinding Development:Analyze the website’s navigation structure to identify areas where users struggle to find information or complete tasks.Develop and implement a more intuitive wayfinding system to enhance user navigation and ease of use.Content Outline:Perform a content audit to identify gaps where additional information or resources are needed.Outline and create new content to fill these gaps, ensuring the website provides comprehensive support and information to its users.

Matches 3
Category Software development + 4
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Odoo Migration and Rebuild

Main Objective:The objective of this project is to migrate Agora Connections' existing website from SquareSpace to Odoo, including the complete rebuilding of all pages to enhance functionality, improve design, and integrate advanced business automation features. Students will gain practical experience in website migration, Odoo CMS customization, and digital transformation strategies.Project Goal:By the end of the project, students will deliver a fully operational and visually compelling website hosted on Odoo, meeting all technical, design, and functional requirements. The site should reflect Agora Connections' brand identity and support its strategic goals in process automation and digital transformation.

Matches 0
Category Website development + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Grant Research and Application Assistance

Project GoalThe primary objective of this project is to secure funding through grants that support Agora Tutoring's educational services, new graduates' employment opportunities, and immigrants' workforce integration in Edmonton, Alberta. By the end of the project, the learner is expected to have successfully identified relevant grants, completed and submitted comprehensive application forms, and secured funding that will enable Agora Tutoring to expand its programs and services.Main Objective of the ProjectThe main objective of this project is to enhance Agora Tutoring's ability to serve its community by obtaining financial support through various grant opportunities. The learner will address the following problems:Funding Gap: Agora Tutoring requires additional financial resources to expand its educational services, provide employment opportunities for new graduates, and support the workforce integration of immigrants.Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocating limited resources towards high-potential grant opportunities to maximize funding success.Application Process: Navigating the complex and time-consuming process of researching, preparing, and submitting grant applications.Expected OutcomesGrant Identification: Successfully identifying a comprehensive list of grant opportunities that align with Agora Tutoring’s mission and strategic goals, particularly focusing on educational support, new graduate employment, and immigrant integration.Application Completion: Preparing and submitting detailed and compelling grant applications that meet all eligibility requirements and deadlines.Funding Acquisition: Securing one or more grants that will provide the necessary financial support to expand Agora Tutoring’s programs and services.Enhanced Skills: Gaining valuable experience in grant research, writing, and project management, which will be beneficial for the learner’s future career development.By achieving these outcomes, the learner will contribute significantly to Agora Tutoring's mission of providing personalized educational support and creating employment opportunities in the local community.

Matches 0
Category Investment + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Developing Business Process Model

Objective:The primary objective remains to develop a comprehensive Business Process Model for Agora Tutoring. Additionally, this will involve preparing documentation that supports funding applications, emphasizing the alignment of Agora's strategic goals with potential funding opportunities. This enhanced focus will ensure that Agora Tutoring is well-positioned to secure financial support to scale its operations.Problem to be Solved:Agora Tutoring requires an updated and detailed Business Process Model that not only refines its operations but also showcases its value propositions, strategic objectives, and market potential to potential investors or grant agencies. The current processes need to be evaluated, and additional documentation must be created to highlight Agora’s readiness and potential for growth, which is crucial for securing funding.Expected Outcomes:Business Process Model: A comprehensive model outlining Agora Tutoring's key business components, including customer segments, value propositions, revenue streams, key activities, and more.Strategic Recommendations: In-depth suggestions for refining the business model, informed by market research and analysis.Funding Application Package: Documentation tailored for funding applications, including executive summaries, strategic goals, market analysis, competitive advantages, and financial projections.Professional Presentation: A presentation summarizing the business process model and strategic recommendations, ready for potential investors or funding bodies.Business Model Canvas: A visual summary that concisely presents Agora’s business model and key components.

Matches 2
Category Communications + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Bookkeeping and Corporate Tax Optimization

Main Objective of the Project: The primary objective of this project is to support Agora Tutoring in maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records, efficiently filing corporate taxes, and optimizing the financial strategy to leverage tax benefits and owner investments. By the end of the project, the student will have developed practical skills in bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial planning within a real business environment.

Matches 0
Category Accounting + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Website Content Enhancement and Documentation

Main Objective of the ProjectThe main objective of this project is to enhance the website content and internal documentation for Agora Tutoring. By the end of this project, learners are expected to achieve the following outcomes:Enhanced User Experience:Create engaging and informative "About Us" and "How It Works" sections to provide clear and concise information about Agora Tutoring’s mission, values, and operational processes.Update and refine existing website content for clarity and engagement.Detailed Documentation:Develop detailed documentation explaining Agora Tutoring's subscription model, including user benefits, pricing tiers, and terms.Create graphics or tables to visually depict the subscription model and its features.Provide concise internal documentation outlining the platform’s functionality and operations, ensuring internal clarity on key processes and user flows.Brand Messaging:Define a compelling boilerplate catchphrase statement that encapsulates Agora Tutoring’s mission and value proposition.Project GoalThe goal of this project is to improve the overall user experience on Agora Tutoring's website by creating new sections, refining existing content, and providing comprehensive internal documentation. Specifically, learners will:Design and script new "About Us" and "How It Works" sections to better communicate the platform’s purpose and functionality.Develop detailed and user-friendly documentation on the subscription model, complete with visual aids.Update and enhance current website content to ensure it is clear, engaging, and aligned with Agora Tutoring's mission.Create concise internal documentation to facilitate better understanding and usage of the platform by internal stakeholders.Define a memorable and impactful boilerplate catchphrase that effectively communicates the essence of Agora Tutoring.By accomplishing these tasks, learners will solve the problem of unclear, incomplete, and outdated website content, ultimately leading to a more user-friendly and informative platform. This will help Agora Tutoring attract and retain more users, thereby supporting its strategic goals and growth.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Enhancing User Trust through Comprehensive Verification Process

Main Objective:The main objective of this project is to enhance the trust and credibility of users on the Agora Tutoring platform by developing a comprehensive and robust user verification system. This system will ensure that tutors and students can engage with confidence, knowing that their counterparts have been thoroughly verified and vetted.Project Goal:To design and implement a multi-faceted user verification process that includes identification upload checks, certificate verifications, profile badges, background checks, and user acceptance of terms and conditions. By the end of the project, learners will have created a secure, user-friendly verification system that significantly improves the trustworthiness and reliability of the Agora Tutoring platform.Detailed Description:Learners will address the critical issue of user trust in online platforms by solving the following problems:Ensuring Authenticity:Learners will develop methods for securely uploading and verifying identification documents to confirm user identities.They will implement certificate verification to validate the educational and professional credentials of tutors.Building Credibility:Learners will design a badge system to visually indicate verified users, making it easy for students and parents to identify trustworthy tutors.They will integrate background checks to screen for any criminal records, further enhancing user safety and trust.Enhancing Transparency and Compliance:The project will involve creating a user-friendly interface for the acceptance of terms and conditions, ensuring users are informed and compliant.Learners will develop a system to track and log user acceptance of these terms, maintaining transparency.Improving User Experience:By the end of the project, learners will have created a real-time notification system to keep users updated on their verification status and important account activities.They will implement advanced security measures to protect user data, ensuring the privacy and security of personal information during the verification process.Expected Outcomes:A Secure Verification System: A robust, multi-layered verification process that improves the safety and trustworthiness of the Agora Tutoring platform.Increased User Trust: Higher confidence among students, parents, and tutors in the platform’s credibility.Improved Engagement: Greater user satisfaction and engagement due to the enhanced security and transparency of the platform.Enhanced Reputation: An improved reputation for Agora Tutoring as a reliable and trustworthy educational service provider.By achieving these outcomes, learners will contribute to creating a safer, more credible environment for in-person tutoring sessions facilitated through Agora Tutoring.

Matches 1
Category Mobile app development + 4
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Website Review, CDAP Landing Page Development on Square Space

Main Objective: The main objective of this project is to enhance the Agora Connections website by improving its overall voice, design, and user engagement. Additionally, the project aims to create a dedicated landing page for the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) that includes a click funnel flow with an automatic email response service.Problem Learners Will Be Solving: Learners will be addressing the following issues:Inconsistent Website Voice: The current website may have inconsistent tone and messaging, which can confuse visitors and dilute the brand’s professional image.Lack of CDAP-Specific Information: There is no dedicated landing page that effectively communicates the benefits, eligibility criteria, and application process for the Canada Digital Adoption Program.Absence of a Click Funnel: The website does not currently guide visitors through a structured process to learn about, assess eligibility for, and apply for the CDAP grant.Manual Email Responses: There is a need for an automatic email response service to efficiently handle inquiries and provide timely information.

Matches 1
Category Cloud technologies + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora - Resource Management

Main Objective:The primary goal of this project is to develop a strategic plan and set of tools that will help Agora's corporate team effectively manage internal projects, time, and resources while aligning with the company's long-term business goals. Learners will work on creating solutions to enhance project oversight, time tracking, and resource allocation, as well as providing recommendations for optimizing these processes within the company.Project Goal:By the end of the project, learners will develop a project management framework for Agora that includes strategies for time management, resource allocation, and goal setting. This framework should be practical, scalable, and aligned with the company’s strategic goals.

Matches 0
Category Project management + 2
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Digital Marketing - Social Media Presence

As we seek to expand our digital presence, we recognize the need to enhance our marketing strategies, which have been previously neglected.To advance our promotional efforts, we intend to collaborate with students and recent graduates who can help us develop and distribute engaging content.Key Initiatives Include:1. Initializing a Meta Account: We will set up a Meta account to streamline our communications and promotions across Facebook and Instagram, platforms where many of our target users are active.2. Completing Facebook and Instagram Pages: We will develop these pages to fully represent our brand’s mission and the educational services we offer, ensuring they resonate with both potential tutors and students. A branding kit will be provided to assist in this process.3. Establishing a LinkedIn Presence: Creating and optimizing our LinkedIn profile to connect with professionals and recent graduates, enhancing our visibility in a more formal professional network. This platform will be crucial for reaching potential tutors and educational partners.Responsibilities for Participating Students:- Understanding our Target Market: Students must grasp the needs and preferences of our target market, which includes students seeking tutoring and graduates looking for teaching opportunities.Additional Opportunities:- Suggesting SEO Strategies: Sudents will have the opportunity to propose SEO strategies that enhance the visibility of our content, making our tutoring services more accessible to a broader audience.This initiative aims not only to bolster our marketing capabilities but also to provide valuable marketing experience to students and recent graduates in the field. The focus on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and LinkedIn will ensure a comprehensive approach to our digital marketing efforts, addressing both casual and professional networking needs.

Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Copywrite & Social Media Standards Guide

Main ObjectiveThe primary objective of this project is for students to design a comprehensive Social Media Standards Guide and create the copy for Agora Tutoring's social media landing pages. This will ensure brand consistency, professionalism, and effective communication across all platforms.Project GoalThe goal is to produce a detailed Social Media Standards Guide and compelling, consistent copy for Agora Tutoring’s social media landing pages. The guide will outline best practices for content creation, engagement strategies, and brand voice, while the copy will reflect the company’s mission and appeal to its target audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Matches 0
Category Branding & style guides + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Financial Analysis and Fee Structuring

Project Goal:The main objective of this project is to analyze the financial aspects of Agora Tutoring and develop a structured pay plan for membership fees that optimizes revenue while remaining accessible to our target market.Project Objective:Learners will be solving the problem of how to balance profitability with user affordability by conducting a comprehensive financial analysis and market research. The expected outcome is a well-researched, tiered membership fee structure that can be implemented to enhance Agora Tutoring's revenue streams while ensuring that the services remain attractive and accessible to a broad range of users.By the end of the project, learners will have:Conducted an in-depth analysis of Agora Tutoring's current financial health.Researched and benchmarked against competitors' pricing models.Gathered user feedback on pricing preferences.Developed a detailed, tiered membership fee structure with financial projections.Presented their findings and recommendations to Agora Tutoring’s senior management team.

Matches 0
Category Operations + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Strategic Positioning for Funding and Non Profits

Main Objective: The main objective of this project is to position Agora Tutoring to effectively engage with non-profit organizations, secure government funding, and receive funding through insurance providers. This involves creating a strategic plan that identifies potential partners, develops outreach strategies, and formulates actionable steps to establish and maintain these critical funding and partnership opportunities.Problem Description: Agora Tutoring is currently focused on providing in-person tutoring services but lacks established connections with non-profit organizations, government funding sources, and insurance providers that could support and expand its operations. The absence of these strategic partnerships limits Agora's ability to grow and sustain its services, as well as to reach underserved communities that could benefit from educational support.Expected Outcomes: By the end of the project, learners are expected to achieve the following outcomes:Comprehensive Analysis: A thorough analysis of potential non-profit organizations, government funding opportunities, and insurance providers that align with Agora Tutoring’s mission and services.Strategic Outreach Plan: A detailed outreach plan that includes tailored approaches for engaging with non-profits, government agencies, and insurance providers.Partnership Proposals: Drafted proposals and grant applications for potential partnerships and funding opportunities.Implementation Strategy: A clear implementation strategy that outlines the steps Agora Tutoring needs to take to secure and maintain these partnerships.Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: A system for monitoring the progress and impact of the implemented strategies, including key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for success.These outcomes will provide Agora Tutoring with a solid foundation to expand its funding sources and build lasting relationships with organizations that can support its mission of delivering high-quality, in-person tutoring services.

Matches 3
Category Market expansion + 4
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Social Media Account Management

Project Goal: The primary objective of this project is to manage and operate Agora Tutoring’s social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Additionally, the student will be responsible for setting up and optimizing Agora Tutoring’s Meta advertising account. By the end of the project, the student will have successfully increased Agora Tutoring’s online presence, improved community interaction, and optimized advertising efforts to attract more clients.

Matches 0
Category Advertising + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Risk Assessment

Main Objective of the ProjectThe main objective of this project is to conduct a thorough risk assessment for Agora Tutoring. Learners will focus on identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with youth interactions on the website, evaluating necessary insurance coverages, ensuring proper website disclaimers, enhancing verification processes, and developing comprehensive plans and procedures for addressing misconduct.Problem to be SolvedAgora Tutoring is committed to providing a safe and secure platform for its users, especially for the youth who interact on the website. However, there are potential risks and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed to ensure the platform's integrity and safety. These include inadequate insurance coverage, insufficient website disclaimers, outdated verification processes, and the lack of a structured plan for handling misconduct.Expected OutcomeBy the end of the project, learners are expected to achieve the following outcomes:Risk Identification: A detailed report identifying potential risks associated with youth interactions, insurance coverage gaps, website disclaimers, verification processes, and misconduct scenarios.Risk Evaluation: An assessment of the current practices and policies in place at Agora Tutoring to manage these risks.Recommendations: Practical and actionable recommendations to enhance website disclaimers, update insurance policies, improve verification processes, and develop comprehensive misconduct procedures.Risk Management Plan: A robust risk management plan that outlines strategies for mitigating identified risks, including a step-by-step implementation guide and timeline.Project GoalThe goal of this project is to create a safer, more secure environment for all Agora Tutoring users by identifying potential risks and implementing effective risk management strategies. This will ensure that Agora Tutoring can continue to provide a reliable and trusted service while safeguarding the wellbeing of its users, particularly the youth.

Matches 1
Category Operations + 4