Dylan Zingle
Dylan Zingle
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I am a Mechanical Engineer with a passion for business and technology. Since 2016 I have been working as an engineer in the areas of project management, industrial design to data management and software development. I have been tutoring math and physics outside of the normal working hours and I am now in the web development industry, developing applications for my own business as well as freelancing web design.

I am always interested in working with university students and helping them grow on their individual paths.

Mechanical engineering Lead generation Website development Software development Education


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Recent projects

Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora - Business Structuring

Main Objective: Agora Tutoring and Agora Connections are seeking comprehensive business advice on optimal corporate structures. We aim to understand how we can effectively organize both entities to enhance operational efficiency, provide liability protection, optimize tax liabilities, reduce insurance costs, simplify bookkeeping, and protect owners and business liabilities.Project Goal: The goal of this project is to analyze the current structures of Agora Tutoring and Agora Connections and explore potential restructuring options. This includes examining the feasibility of creating a holding company, evaluating different business structures (e.g., LLC, corporation), and providing recommendations to reduce costs and improve legal and financial protections.

Matches 0
Category Operations + 3
Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Digital Marketing - Social Media Presence

As we seek to expand our digital presence, we recognize the need to enhance our marketing strategies, which have been previously neglected. To advance our promotional efforts, we intend to collaborate with students and recent graduates who can help us develop and distribute engaging content. Key Initiatives Include: 1. Initializing a Meta Account: We will set up a Meta account to streamline our communications and promotions across Facebook and Instagram, platforms where many of our target users are active. 2. Completing Facebook and Instagram Pages: We will develop these pages to fully represent our brand’s mission and the educational services we offer, ensuring they resonate with both potential tutors and students. A branding kit will be provided to assist in this process. 3. Establishing a LinkedIn Presence: Creating and optimizing our LinkedIn profile to connect with professionals and recent graduates, enhancing our visibility in a more formal professional network. This platform will be crucial for reaching potential tutors and educational partners. Responsibilities for Participating Students: - Understanding our Target Market: Students must grasp the needs and preferences of our target market, which includes students seeking tutoring and graduates looking for teaching opportunities. Additional Opportunities: - Suggesting SEO Strategies: Sudents will have the opportunity to propose SEO strategies that enhance the visibility of our content, making our tutoring services more accessible to a broader audience. ·      This initiative aims not only to bolster our marketing capabilities but also to provide valuable marketing experience to students and recent graduates in the field. The focus on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and LinkedIn will ensure a comprehensive approach to our digital marketing efforts, addressing both casual and professional networking needs.

Matches 1
Category Market expansion + 4
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Developing Business Process Model

Objective:The primary objective of this project is to develop an updated Business Process Model for Agora Connections, emphasizing the alignment of its operations with potential funding opportunities. The project also aims to prepare supporting documentation for grant applications, ensuring Agora Connections is well-positioned to secure financial support for scaling its services and expanding its market reach.Problem to be Solved:Agora Connections requires a detailed and updated Business Process Model that not only refines its current operations but also highlights its strategic objectives, competitive advantages, and market potential. This project is crucial for showcasing the company's readiness for growth and attracting potential investors or grant agencies, particularly in light of opportunities like the Canada Digital Adoption Program.Expected Outcomes:Business Process Model: A comprehensive model outlining Agora Connections' key business components, including customer segments, value propositions, revenue streams, and key activities.Strategic Recommendations: In-depth suggestions for refining the business model, based on market research and analysis.Funding Application Package: Tailored documentation for funding applications, including executive summaries, market analysis, competitive advantages, and financial projections.Professional Presentation: A summary presentation of the business process model and strategic recommendations, suitable for potential investors or funding bodies.Business Model Canvas: A visual summary that concisely presents Agora Connections' business model and key components.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Agora Connections
Agora Connections
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Connections - Pricing Packages and Service Structures

Main Objective:The goal of this project is to create competitive and scalable pricing packages specifically for Agora Connections' Odoo service offerings. Learners will analyze the market for Odoo implementations, support services, and training, and design pricing models that attract small businesses while ensuring profitability.Project Goal:By the end of the project, learners will provide a detailed pricing model for Odoo-related services, including implementation, customization, ongoing support, and training packages. The model should reflect the needs of different customer segments and consider both the short-term and long-term value provided by Agora Connections.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4