Atika Juristia She / Her
Executive Director
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Drug-Policy Implication Study

We are planning to implement a policy, however before we do we would like to understand the expected implications of it within this population. This way, we will be able to mitigate any risks that the policy may pose by making adjustments before it is implemented. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Identifying similar policies that have been implemented in other populations.Comparing our policy to other policies and researching the implications that they have had.Conducting interviews with people in the populations affected by these similar policies.Identifying risks and effects that are created by our policy.Creating recommendations on how we could change or improve our policy to make it as effective as possible.

Matches 3
Category Social sciences + 1
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Evidence-Based Drug Information Project

The main goal for the project is to provide evidence-based information to drug users in a readable format, offering scientific facts to help them understand the current landscape of adulterants and how they can implement harm reduction and health promotion to their lives. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Researching and compiling scientific facts and evidence-based information on adulterants and their effects.- Creating a readable format for the public to understand the information.- Developing strategies for implementing harm reduction and health promotion based on the gathered information.- Collaborating with experts and frontline workers to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information.

Matches 6
Category Machine learning + 4
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

AI Application for Media Accountability in Drug User Representation

The J Healthcare Initiative is a non-profit organization that does projects to tackle the overdose crisis. In this project we address the pervasive issue of hate rhetoric, stigmatizing language, and misinformation in media coverage related to drug users and harm reduction through machine learning/AI. This project seeks to create a comprehensive analysis of current media practices and develop guidelines for responsible reporting. The goal is to ensure that media outlets are held accountable for their portrayal of drug users, promoting a more accurate and compassionate narrative. By doing so, the project will contribute to reducing stigma and fostering a more informed public discourse.Objective: Develop a basic tool to analyze sentiment and language use in media articles about drug use and harm reduction.Suggested timeline Python Script for Media Analysis (25 hours)Develop a script that:Scrapes articles from 2-3 selected news websitesPerforms basic sentiment analysisIdentifies key terms related to drug use and harm reductionFlags potentially stigmatizing languageSmall Dataset of Analyzed Articles (10 hours)Collect and analyze 50-100 recent articlesStore results in a structured format (e.g., CSV or JSON)Summary Report (15 hours)Brief overview of the project and methodologyKey findings from the analysis2-3 data visualizations (e.g., sentiment distribution, word clouds)Short list of common stigmatizing terms foundBasic Web Interface (10 hours)Simple Flask or Streamlit app that:Allows users to input an article URL or textRuns the analysis script on the inputDisplays basic results (sentiment score, flagged terms)Key objectives include:- Analyzing existing media content for instances of hate rhetoric and misinformation.- Identifying patterns and common issues in media representation of drug users.- Developing a set of guidelines for responsible and accurate reporting.- Proposing strategies for media accountability and public awareness.

Matches 2
Category Data analysis + 4
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Optimizing Volunteer Organization Operational Management for Non Profit Cause to End Overdose Crisis

The J Healthcare Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to end the overdose crisis through advocating multiple treatment modalities, faces challenges in maintaining productivity under a volunteer-based operational model. The primary goal of this project is to strategize and implement solutions that will enhance operational management while ensuring meaningful engagement with drug users and non drug users. The project will involve analyzing current operational workflows, identifying bottlenecks, and proposing actionable strategies to optimize volunteer management. This will help the organization maintain high productivity levels and improve the overall effectiveness of its programs.Key tasks include:- Conducting a thorough analysis of current operational processes.- Identifying key areas where productivity can be improved.- Proposing strategies to optimize volunteer management.- Ensuring that proposed solutions are sustainable and align with the organization's mission.

Matches 1
Category Operations + 4
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

JHI Brand Identity and Graphic Design

Our company is looking to solidify our identity and revamp the logo that we currently have. We are looking to better connect with our audience by standing out and being memorable while also being able to use the designs the students offer in a corporate setting.We are looking for real designs that we could use in our branding as well as general branding knowledge. The right candidate would work to create consistent promotional branding and come up with possible new names for the company.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching the brand identity.Logo and name proposals that reflect who we areWork to create a branding guide for us to referenceHelp create prototypes using software tools that can be implemented in our marketingResearch into the competitors to see what they are doing.Creating custom branding sheets with colours and logos.

Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 4
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Application to Decolonize Harm Reduction Literature

Natural Language Processing for Decolonizing Harm Reduction LiteratureDuration: 9 weeksDevelop an NLP model to analyze existing harm reduction literature and identify colonial language, perspectives, or biases. The system could suggest alternative phrasings and highlight areas where Indigenous and diverse voices are underrepresented, assisting in the decolonization of harm reduction materials.Final Deliverables:A final report including:Detailed analysis of the harm reduction literature datasetDescription of the problem solved (identifying and addressing colonial language in harm reduction literature)Comprehensive explanation of methodologies and approaches usedOutcomes and results of the NLP modelsRecommended next steps for implementation and further developmentSource materials including:All code used in data preprocessing, model development, and evaluationJupyter notebooks or similar workbooks documenting the entire processTrained model files and any necessary dependenciesA presentation summarizing the project, key findings, and potential applications for the J Healthcare Initiative

Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 3
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Optimizing Grant Writing Workflow and Accountability System

Description: The J Healthcare Initiative is revolutionizing substance use healthcare by championing drug users' rights and informed choices. We've been instrumental in reshaping Canadian drug policy, positively impacting over 7 million lives, and our voice resonates in global forums like the UN's Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Our innovative, project-driven approaches have measurably reduced stigma surrounding substance use. Through our expansive university chapter network, we're engaging 170,000 students, cultivating the next generation of compassionate healthcare advocates.To investigate and suggest improvements for Grant Writing/Proposal Development teamThis project will help address our problem with JHI's grant writing/proposal development team underperforms·      Team members fail to complete assigned tasks·      Lack of proactivity among team members·      No accountability measures in place·      Poor communication between teams and team members• Root Causes: Volunteer-based organization structure, Insufficient communication channels or protocols• Implication: Failure to secure grants due to incomplete or delayed proposals, Inefficient teamwork and coordinationThe objective of this project will be to recommend options to improve the current processes for the strategic grant writing process for the J Healthcare Initiative

Matches 1
Category Project management + 3
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Website Improvements for The J Healthcare Initiative

The J Healthcare Initiative, a non-profit organization, aims to improve its website to better communicate its mission and enhance user experience. The current website has usability issues that may hinder visitors from easily accessing information about the organization's goals, projects, and how they can contribute. The project involves analyzing the existing website, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes to make the site more user-friendly. The goal is to ensure that visitors can effortlessly navigate the website, understand the mission of The J Healthcare Initiative, and find relevant information quickly. This project will allow learners to apply their knowledge of web design, user experience (UX) principles, and content management systems (CMS).Key tasks include:- Conducting a usability audit of the current website.- Gathering feedback from users to identify pain points.- Redesigning the website layout for improved navigation.- Enhancing the visual design to align with the organization's mission.- Implementing changes and testing the updated website for usability.

Matches 0
Category UX design + 2
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Grant Writing to Support Non-Profit in Addressing the Overdose Crisis

Our organization is interested in addressing societal issues and supporting social causes. However, we are currently facing funding challenges.We would like to collaborate with students to find and complete grant applications.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our vision statement and a project we have defined.Developing a needs statement that characterizes the community problem and justifies the need for our project and funding.Identifying potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project.Improving the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Identifying new opportunities for community projects.

Matches 1
Category Humanities + 1
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Adulterant Study of the Illicit Opioids and Stimulants

The project is to analyze the emerging drug adulterants in the illicit opioids and stimulant supply in Canada and the U.S. The main goal is to use regression model to visualize projected fatalities due to these potent adulterants. Students are expected to analyze highly heterogenous data and simplify it for the public and policy makers. The outcome of this project is that students understand the complexity and the urgency of the current toxic drug crisis in North America and can help us present this context in a way that policymakers and public understand.

Matches 4
Category Data analysis + 3
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The J Healthcare Initiative Marketing and Branding Project

The main goal for the project is to promote visibility of the J Healthcare Initiative organization in social media and search engines, create a marketing strategy, and establish a strong brand voice for the organization.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Researching the current online presence of the J Healthcare Initiative.- Developing a social media marketing plan to increase visibility and engagement.- Creating a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to improve the organization's online visibility.- Crafting a marketing strategy that aligns with the organization's mission and goals.- Establishing a brand voice and guidelines for consistent messaging across all platforms.

Matches 2
Category Advertising + 2
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Configuration for Growth for the J Healthcare Initiative

The J Healthcare Initiative is anticipating significant growth in our harm reduction services over the next five years. As an organization run entirely by volunteers, we need to ensure we have the right structure and volunteer roles in place to manage this growth efficiently. With your help, we aim to modify our current organizational structure to best support our expanding harm reduction services while maintaining our volunteer-based model.Final deliverables should include:A comprehensive proposal including all research, the gap analysis, the updated volunteer-based organization chart, and proposed solutions for expanding our harm reduction services.A 20-minute presentation outlining the findings and recommendations.

Matches 4
Category Operations + 3
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Engaging Young Womxn and Mothers in Harm Reduction and Policy Advocacy

The J Healthcare Initiative seeks to meaningfully engage with young womxn and mothers who use unregulated drugs to better understand their needs and challenges. The project aims to create a comprehensive report that outlines the treatment modalities and harm reduction strategies most effective for this demographic. Additionally, the report will explore access to low-barrier employment and housing opportunities. The ultimate goal is to create a political incentive for policymakers to address the growing threats posed by synthetic drugs. This project will provide learners with the opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge in psychology, public health, social work, and policy advocacy to real-world issues, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding drug use and harm reduction.

Matches 1
Category Social work + 4
The J Healthcare Initiative
The J Healthcare Initiative
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Campaign on Socially Responsible Drug Use

The main goal for the project is to promote socially responsible drug use and connect people to resources in case they need help with their addictive behaviour. The project also involves creating a social media campaign strategy and printable materials for The J Healthcare Initiative, a Canadian non-profit organization advocating for expanded legal-prescription access to regulated opioids and stimulants to reduce the harms associated with toxic, unregulated illegal drugs.This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Researching and understanding the mission and goals of The J Healthcare Initiative.- Developing a social media campaign strategy to promote socially responsible drug use in population that uses recreational drugs such as opiates, stimulants and hallucinogens -Developing a campaign strategy to connect people to resources for addictive behavior.- Creating printable materials such as brochures, posters, and flyers to support the campaign.- Collaborating with the team to ensure the campaign and materials align with the organization's objectives.

Matches 4
Category Advertising + 4