Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Crowdfunding Campaign Marketing for FreshAir

INNOVHH Inc is launching a crowdfunding campaign for FreshAir, an innovative fragrance-free, non-toxic, and eco-friendly air freshener. FreshAir aims to improve the quality of life for individuals sensitive to fragrances and odors. The goal of this project is to develop and execute a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to promote the FreshAir crowdfunding campaign on impactful platforms. The project will provide learners with hands-on experience in digital business development and social media marketing, allowing them to apply classroom knowledge to a real-world scenario. The team will focus on creating engaging content, identifying target audiences, and leveraging social media channels to maximize campaign visibility and support.

Admin Steven Zhang
Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 2

Market Research for Air Care Product

The main goal for the project is to conduct comprehensive market research to understand consumer preferences, trends, and demands in the air care product industry. This will involve analyzing the current market landscape, identifying key competitors, and gathering insights on customer behavior and preferences related to air care products.

Admin Steven Zhang
Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 4

Air care product marketing

The primary goal of the project is to introduce a new air care product to the market.The students will strategize the project, outlining the promotional techniques to be employed, establishing a project timeline, and devising a method for assessing project outcomes. The team will create promotional materials, produce relevant videos, and advertise the product across various social media platforms, such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and others.The project to expected to generate $5,000 in revenue from product sales within a 3-month timeframe and garner 50,000 impressions from social media.

Admin Steven Zhang
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Company Logo Design

The main goal for the project is to create a modern and innovative logo design that reflects the forward-thinking and cutting-edge nature of Innovhh Inc. The logo should convey the company's focus on leveraging innovative technologies to address global challenges and enhance the quality of life for individuals.This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Researching the company's mission, values, and target audience to understand the design requirements.- Brainstorming and sketching multiple logo concepts that align with the company's identity and vision.- Refining the selected logo concept based on feedback and incorporating clean and modern design elements.- Presenting the final logo design in various formats for different applications such as digital, print, and merchandise.

Admin Steven Zhang
Matches 0
Category Graphic design + 4

Labelling Design for Air Care Product

The main goal for the project is to create innovative and visually appealing labelling for an air care product that aligns with the company's forward-thinking and clean technology image. The design should effectively communicate the product's benefits and features to the target audience while also reflecting the company's commitment to addressing global challenges like air pollution and enhancing the quality of life for individuals.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Researching the target audience and understanding their preferences and expectations for air care product labelling.- Brainstorming and creating multiple design concepts that capture the essence of the product and the company's values.- Collaborating with the marketing team to ensure the design aligns with the overall branding and messaging strategy.- Incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly elements into the labelling design to resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.- Testing the design with focus groups or surveys to gather feedback and make necessary revisions.- Finalizing the labelling design and preparing it for production.

Admin Steven Zhang
Matches 0
Category Branding & style guides + 4