Yasheika King
Fashion design Interior design Communications Sales strategy Event planning


Data analysis 1 Dedoose (qualitative data analysis software) 1 Merchandising 1 Midwifery 1 New product development 1 Qualitative analysis 1 Research 1 Selling techniques 1 Transcribing 1

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Recent projects

University College of the North
University College of the North
Thompson, Manitoba, Canada

Transcribing interviews and organizing qualitative data

Objective:The overall objective of this proposed project is to integrate Indigenous Knowledge and Western science in order to explore the promise of value-added fish products in Northern Manitoba.As part of this project we would require students to participate in:Transcribing Indigenous fishers' interview to word documents using Otter.ai platform Organizing the final word documentsAssist in importing and organizing data into Dedoose software (qualitative analysis)For additional information see summary of the projects' objective below:Objective 1: To determine which fish species have been traditionally caught and used in Cree (Ininew/Inniniwak) communities in Northern Manitoba and to document Indigenous knowledge surrounding fish species with high potential value within these communities and to the South.Activities: Individual interviews have been conducted with total of 30 Elders and fishers in Misipawistik Cree Nation and the Métis community of Grand Rapids Interviews: The intent of these interviews were to identify and characterize: 1) the species and common names of fish caught by local fishers; 2) differences in fish species and quantity in summer and winter and how these numbers have changed over time and how they vary among communities; 3) the current appeal of these species and their cultural and likely nutritional value; 4) processing, preservation, and recipes for each species and associated value-added products; 5) changes experienced in local dietary habits around fish consumption, as well as, preferences and impacts on traditional livelihoods, notably changes in the quality of country foods; and 6) species and products that participants feel have high potential to be consumed by local Indigenous residents if given the opportunity.Quantitative data analysis: The interview transcripts will be coded into Dedoose software and any emergent themes will be identified and matched .

Matches 1
Category Community engagement + 2
Ancestral Hands Midwives
Ancestral Hands Midwives
Markham, Ontario, Canada

New Product Design

Ancestral Hands Midwives is looking to diversity our revenue by creating our own line of Afrocentric merchandise. As a non profit organization we don't want to spend all of our time asking for funding, instead want to create our own source of revenue by selling unique products that align with our values.We believe this project will require:Brainstorm merchandise ideasResearching potential manufacturers and obtain quotesBrainstorm t-shirt design ideasDeveloping a prototype of a recommended product designThe final deliverables include: A report on the research, findings, and general design recommendations for prototype you developed.Provide a recommended design and manufacturer for a t-shirt that we can sell as a fundraiser.We are excited to work with students who support our mission and want to have fun creating unique merchandise. Whether you're a fashion student, artist or you're just interested in what we do, we want to work with you.

Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 4