Maya Giorbelidze
Maya Giorbelidze She
Assistant Professor
Cape Breton University
Cape Breton University
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Solutions for Sustainable Development with Cape Breton University


Oct 15, 2024 - Dec 4, 2024

Cape Breton University invites employers to collaborate with students from the Comparative Development course. Partnering with our learners offers companies and organizations a unique opportunity to gain fresh insights and innovative solutions tailored to their needs. Our learners are experienced in developing grant proposals. They are adept at articulating a theory of change, linking activities to intended outcomes in a structured and evidence-based way. Additionally, they can create results matrices that include measurable indicators for monitoring progress.With research skills, our learners can conduct desk reviews of international best practices, ensuring that the recommended strategies are consistent with global standards and applicable to your organization's context. 

Matches 2
Category International development + 2
Open Closing on October 1, 2024
Cape Breton University
Cape Breton University
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Unlocking Organizational Insights through Organizational Behaviour Practices


Oct 15, 2024 - Nov 28, 2024

Cape Breton University invites employers to collaborate with students in the Organizational Behaviour course. These students are trained to analyze and improve individual and group dynamics within organizations. They bring insights from psychology, sociology, and other disciplines to address real-world business challenges. Through this collaboration, employers will gain fresh perspectives on organizational practices while helping students apply their knowledge in practical settings. Employers are expected to communicate regularly, provide project details, attend the final presentation, and offer feedback through the Riipen platform.

Matches 0
Category Communications + 4