Communications Plan

THIRD ACTion Film Festival
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Market expansion Community engagement Marketing strategy
communication digital advertising strategic communication social change communication planning business communication
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Project Description: THIRD ACTion Film Festival Communications

Welcome to THIRD ACTion Film Festival. We are excited to present this opportunity for talented students to develop a communications plan that is both accessible and appealing to older adults and younger cinephiles.Our messaging should reflect our attempts to change the dialogue on aging - across generations.

Main Goal:

The challenge in this project is to determine how to reach each of our diverse audience segments with the media that will meet them where they are. The other challenge is to change the dialogue on aging through our communications plan.

We want to test these media in November, December and be able to employ them to their maximum in the spring leading up to our June festival.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Project Scope and Expectations:

During this project, students will evaluate past communication efforts - social media, e-newsletter, digital advertising, website, postering, etc. - and determine best methods per audience segment going forward. We are considering the addition of telephone communication as an option for older adults and those with accessibility issues when accessing our current communications. We want to broaden our reach to sell more tickets to our monthly events and annual June Festival. We also want to measure if we are changing the narrative on aging and what are the best ways to do that. Currently we have a questionnaire.

Company Overview:

At THIRD ACTion Film Festival, we pride ourselves on changing the dialogue on aging through film and film-based events. This project offers students an opportunity to gain insights into creating social change and appealing to different audiences with a core message.

Project Details:

Provide more detailed information about the project, breaking down tasks and milestones. This includes:

  • reviewing audience segments
  • reviewing communications strategy against communications media results
  • planning strategic communications content and strategy by audience segment
  • determining content to employ that will change the dialogue on aging
  • determining how to measure our audence's experience of social change about aging

Final Deliverables:

  • A comprehensive 10-15 page communications plan with examples as per the team of consultants' course curriculum.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company

THIRD ACTion Film Festival celebrates aging and older adults through film and talks. We work to make an age-positive culture shift. We are working to develop a local Calgary in-person audience and expand our online audience across Canada.