Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Company website
Number of employees
0 - 1 employees

Pronovean is a modern management consultancy and digital transformation partner for small and medium businesses. We provide SMBs with the right strategies, tools, and expertise they need to succeed in a digital-first world. We are also creative minds working to bring our own innovative solutions to market.

Product management UI design UX design Website development Mobile app development
Business & management Business services It & computing Technology


Recent projects

Website Design for a Cryptocurrency Intelligence Platform

Pronovean is looking to develop a user-friendly and visually appealing website for their new cryptocurrency intelligence platform. CryptoSmarts aims to increase transparency and trust in the cryptocurrency industry by providing users with comprehensive and easy-to-digest information on the status and maturity of the crypto landscape across different countries and regions, as well as detailed digital asset profiles. This will help businesses and enthusiasts make more informed decisions regarding cryptocurrency usage, collaborations, or investments. The goal is to create a website that not only attracts potential users but also provides a seamless user experience for engaing content and creating an account to access more features. The project will involve designing the website's layout, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX) elements. The design should reflect modern web design principles, ensuring it is responsive, intuitive, and secure. The team will need to consider the target audience, which includes both novice and experienced cryptocurrency users, and ensure the design caters to their needs. Key features to be included are a homepage with interactive map, country profile page, digital asset profile page, as well as informational sections about the platform and cryptocurrency in general. A user dashboard would also be a plus for this project.

Admin David Romeo
Matches 1
Category UI design + 2

UI/UX Design for a Construction & Trade Services Platform

The main goal for the project is to create preliminary UI/UX designs and a prototype in Figma for a construction and trades services platform. The designs should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and intuitive to navigate for both service providers and customers.This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:Understanding the target audience needs and preferences.Creating wireframes and mockups for the platform's interface and user experience.Incorporating branding elements and visual design to enhance the overall look and feel of the platform.Testing the prototype with potential users to gather feedback and make necessary iterations.

Admin David Romeo
Matches 1
Category UI design + 1

Video Promotion for Pronovean

The main goal for the project is to create a promotional video for Pronovean that showcases the company's modern management consultancy and digital transformation services for small and medium businesses. The video should highlight Pronovean's innovative solutions and expertise in helping SMBs succeed in a digital-first world.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching Pronovean's services, target audience, and brand identity.Developing a script and storyboard for the promotional video.Creating visual elements and animations that effectively communicate Pronovean's message.Recording and editing the video with professional quality.Incorporating music, voiceover, and sound effects to enhance the video's impact.Testing the video with a focus group and making improvements based on feedback.

Admin David Romeo
Matches 1
Category Videography + 3

Hemp & Hearts E-Commerce Website Design

The main goal for the project is to design and develop an e-commerce website on Shopify for one of Pronovean's projects, Hemp & Hearts. The website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for sales conversions. It should also effectively showcase the benefits and features of Hemp & Hearts products, as well as provide a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Admin David Romeo
Matches 1
Category UI design + 1

Latest feedback

Amanda Patterson
Amanda Patterson She / Her
July 14, 2024
Project feedback
Pleasant to work with, clear in what was needed, provided good feedback, worked well with the limited time we had.
UX/UI Design Services - May 2024
UI/UX Design for a Construction & Trade Services Platform
Oyedotun Oyeleke
April 8, 2024
Project feedback
It was a huge pleasure working for David. The brand had so much life and vitality, My team tried within the duration of time given to develop a satisfactory design that would meet the expectations of our employer. Overall it was a seamless and mutually satisfying experience. David gave us so much room to try new concepts and ideas, he was always very supportive and encouraging. I enjoyed working for him.
Diverse Tech Talent Program
UX/UI Design (March 2024)
Diverse Tech Talent Program
Social Commerce Platform Redesign
Sima Darvishzadeh
April 3, 2024
Project feedback
Working with the employers of Pronovean on the UX/UI design for the Social Commerce Platform Redesign was an absolute pleasure. From the outset, I appreciated their openness to various suggestions and feedback, as well as their willingness to explore different design directions. Despite the time constraints, the experience was nothing short of amazing. Their collaborative approach fostered a dynamic environment where we explored our creativity. This level of receptiveness not only streamlined the design process but also ensured that the final product would meet the highest standards of excellence. I am excited about the project and would be honored to continue contributing to its success, whether it's refining the design further or assisting with the launch and growth phases. Working with such dedicated and visionary individuals has been truly inspiring, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue our collaboration.
Diverse Tech Talent Program
UX/UI Design (March 2024)
Diverse Tech Talent Program
Social Commerce Platform Redesign