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Recent projects

Wearable LED and Electronics Module (Design)
In this project, the student will assist the project engineer in designing a wearable LED or similar module for promotion and education applications. Details of the design requirement will be provided to the student once matched. Relevant skills in electronics and solid modelling are important for the successful completion of this project. The student will require knowledge and experience in: electronics circuitry KiCAD PCB layout FreeCAD solid modeling NOTE: knowledge of EagleCAD and SolidWorks or equivalent is acceptable but KiCAD and FreeCAD must be used for this project Deliverables: 1 page summary regarding the design(s) KiCAD design file(s) FreeCAD design file(s)

Website Front-End or Back-End App (Design)
In this project, the student will assist the project engineer in developing an inventory app for the company's website or redesigning the front-end of the company's website. Details of the development requirement will be provided to the student once matched. Relevant skills in programming are important for the successful completion of this project. For the front-end website design, the student will require knowledge and experience in: HTML, CSS, JS, JSON Shopify Liquid For the app, the student will require knowledge and experience in: Linux Python (Panda) and Colab Web scraping using HTML and JSON The student will learn and use the Shopify Liquid Language and/or API during this project. Deliverables: 1 page summary of the project Relevant code

Website Front-End or Back-End App (Testing and Implementation)
In this project, the student will assist the project engineer in the testing and implementation of an inventory app for the company's website or redesigning the front-end of the company's website. NOTE: This project can only be started after the completion of developing the app or front-end design. Details of the development requirement will be provided to the student once matched. Relevant skills in programming are important for the successful completion of this project. For the front-end website design, the student will require knowledge and experience in: HTML, CSS, JS, JSON Shopify Liquid For the app, the student will require knowledge and experience in: Linux Python (Panda) and Colab Web scraping using HTML and JSON The student will learn and use the Shopify Liquid Language and/or API during this project. Deliverables: 1 page summary of the project (test report) Relevant updated code

Website Update and Development Planning
In this project, the student will assist the company in updating its website and create a plan for new features developed in the future. Details of the development requirement will be provided to the student once matched. Relevant skills in programming are important for the successful completion of this project. The student will require knowledge and experience in: Shopify Liquid HTML, CSS, JS, JSON Marketing Strategy Social Media Graphic Design Deliverables: Website update New feature development plan 1-page summary of the project so the company can refer back to the work Any relevant code