Ben Currier
Ben Currier
Ben Currier
Owner & Teacher
Sidney Shapiro
Sidney Shapiro
Professor and Program Coordinator
November 9, 2022
Project feedback
Thank you for providing an excellent opportunity for the students
Cambrian College
Analytics Capstone - Fall 2022
Cambrian College
Excel Exposure LLC
New LMS system (including CRM Data Analytics & Platform Change/Implementation)
Excel Exposure LLC
Sidney Shapiro
Sidney Shapiro
Professor and Program Coordinator
July 3, 2022
Project feedback
Thank you for providing the students an excellent capstone opportunity for work integrated learning this term!
Cambrian College
Analytics Capstone - Spring 2022
Cambrian College
Excel Exposure LLC
CRM Data Analytics & Platform Transition / Implementation
Excel Exposure LLC
Stella Joshua
May 3, 2022
Project feedback
It was a good experience working with Excel Exposure. The client was very approachable and helped us with all our queries. Got to learn something new!
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
Excel Exposure LLC
CRM Data Analytics & Platform Transition / Implementation
Excel Exposure LLC
Himanshu Bhavsar
May 3, 2022
Project feedback
Very unique and informative learning experience. This project provided us with good experience and I learned a lot.
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
Excel Exposure LLC
CRM Data Analytics & Platform Transition / Implementation
Excel Exposure LLC
Bhavya  Bablani
Bhavya Bablani
May 2, 2022
Project feedback
Good experience. Learned a lot about different techniques.
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
Excel Exposure LLC
CRM Data Analytics & Platform Transition / Implementation
Excel Exposure LLC
Keval Kakadiya
May 2, 2022
Project feedback
The client was understanding and helpful. He was guiding and mentoring us in all the steps of this project and also showed us professional tasks in the industry works and are completed.
St. Clair College
Data Analytics Capstone Project
St. Clair College
Excel Exposure LLC
CRM Data Analytics & Platform Transition / Implementation
Excel Exposure LLC