HP Change
HP Change

We create meaningful experiences to connect young people with opportunities that excite them - whether that be meaningful content, exciting events, or mentorship/internship opportunities. We empower young people to do the things they want to do. And make the difference they want to make.

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Recent projects

HP Change - Mentorship Platform for High School Students

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET:HP Change is developing a user-friendly solution for high school students to readily access career experiences with workplaces - including mentorship, internships, and more. This project will encompass many phases, but will start with market research to determine the wants and needs of both students and employers.For the past four years, HP Change has working with schools and youth organizations to deliver career and community experiences. The purpose is to provide opportunities for young people to learn about their interests and make the difference they want to make.KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET:Market Research - interacting with workplaces to understand how they currently interact with students, what are their hopes for talent development, what functions must be included in a potential solution, etc.Program Creation - assessing customer feedback to develop pilot programming and shape the main features/functions of the future platform solution.Marketing/Sales Strategy - identifying the opportunities to obtain users as we work to test this solution and launch this product.IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly.Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement.Data Manager - responsible for any data/feedback collection and how it influences the development of this solution.Program Manager - responsible for the actual execution of a pilot program that connects students and employers, as well as designing what each phase of the project/program would look like.Marketing/Sales Manager - responsible for understanding the opportunities to gain users/customers on both the student and workplace sides, as well as beginning to execute on these opportunities.FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET:Consolidated data report (customer feedback) on what the business opportunity isPilot Project outlined and to be deliveredStrategic Plan that encompasses the direction of the project

Admin Scott Angus
Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4

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