Sid Klein
Global Alternative Investments
Global Alternative Investments
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Website Development (Multiple Options)

My company, Global Alternative Investments, is a financial services firm that has three broken websites that need to be rebuilt to varying degrees. The sites were created in WordPress and are to be rebuilt in the same fashion.One site requires a total rebuilding after having been badly broken. That site is  The second site is damaged and requires an analysis to see what requires repair and, hopefully, it can be done in comparatively little time. This is important since each of the other 3 sites need more than the allotted time, so, if little is required, then that could sufficiently compensate for the other 3 sites. The 3rd site is transactional and requires knowledge of translation software, since French, Spanish, Italian and Russian are required. It relates to the marketing of a book that will be completed this month. The structure of the site, including all of the text, was created before the work was lost by regrettable mishap, though the text exists and everything is fresh in my own memory on how to recreate the book's site. Requisite competencies include the need to be able to work with translation software and, preferably, though not necessarily, book cover design.

Matches 0
Category Website development
Global Alternative Investments
Global Alternative Investments
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Development of 4 Websites (Students select which one to work on)

My company, Global Alternative Investments, is a financial services firm that has two broken websites that need to be rebuilt. The sites were created in WordPress and are to be rebuilt in the same fashion.One of the brand new sites relates to the marketing of a book The structure of the site, including all of the text, was created before the work was lost by regrettable mishap, though the text exists and everything is fresh in my own memory on how to recreate the book's site. Requisite competencies include the need to be able to work with translation software and, preferably, though not necessarily, book cover design.The fourth site will also be transactional and include a video instruction on how to remove a "level-10" migraine, as I call it.

Matches 2
Category Website development