Software Application Development

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Data modelling UX design Mobile app development Information technology
software versioning application development git (version control system) angular (web framework) teamwork user experience (ux) hypertext markup language (html) php (scripting language) javascript (programming language) cloud computing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

To use an application development project and work in a team environment to gather work experience where successful Level UP student employees can transition into longer term employment.


Application development in PHP and Angular JS Config changes

Transform UI/UX into HTML and code

Use CloudSQL to setup a structured DB

Implement git for versioning and code promotion

Use GCP cloud technology for backend platform

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The key goals for the student to achieve for phase 1 of a project.

  • Transform UI/UX into HTML and code
  • Use CloudSQL to setup a structured DB
About the company

Cloudport provides custom technology consulting