Website Updates and Design Internship for Music Industry - Plus

Canyon Entertainment Group
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dawn Van Dam
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
UI design Graphic design Communications Digital marketing Website development
music industry marketing project management research user interface (ui) editing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Website Updates and Design Internship: Help us create awesome content and take our brands to the 'next level'.

Are you interested in Website Updates and Design to enhance marketing, and learning how to promote artists and other brands, all while keeping everything organized through the discipline of project management!? If so, please apply!

Do you like to jump in and 'get the job done'? Tasks include creating website content for marketing and promoting the brands in unique and memorable ways to grow followers, and more.

General Purpose: Preparation of materials and completion of specific projects, while ensuring consistency with company strategy, commitments and goals.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Responsibilities and tasks may include:

  • Website editing, design and/or management
  • Optimize first impressions to newcomers on the web and/or social media
  • Responsible for optimizing the pages so they promote the brand and build credibility, followers and engagement
  • Understanding all relevant guidelines and industry requirements
  • Working with other team members, organizing deliverables and coordinating the implementation
  • Maintaining project tracking sheets, etc
  • Keeping all constituents informed and up-to-date on all activities
  • Conduct research and/or review materials to understand various tools, systems and processes to optimize visual content, along with UI/UX
  • Research market, identify opportunities and trends that generate interest, and incorporate this info into the websites
Supported causes
Decent work and economic growth
About the company

Artist management, record label, artist development school and online/live concerts.