Market Research: New Esports B2B and B2C Market Segments

Esports How
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Uzair Hasan
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Data modelling Market research Competitive analysis Customer segmentation
target market esports competitive analysis sales prospecting data modeling market research business to business business-to-consumer customer relationship management research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Our company, Esports How, is going through a business reposition and has changed its target market. Additionally, our new business model caters to both a consumer and a business market. As a result, we need to complete an entire market research sprint on B2B and B2C market segments utilizing our warm and cold relationships.

Market research is fundamental to any business' success, and you'll have the opportunity to learn about this enlightening process from step 1 through the eyes of a startup.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Project Details

  • Participate in market research calls with Esports How's owner (and eventually gain the opportunity to lead calls).
  • Implement and improve on our outreach processes with cold and warm prospects – from both B2B and B2C market segments.
  • Analyze market research data to find patterns and consistency.
  • Organize and schedule a large number of calls to prevent conflicts and reduce wasted time.
  • Help us improve our line of questioning to remove biases, and learn new insights.
  • Go through and/or expand upon our competitive analysis research.
  • Use qualitative, and quantitive data to help better understand the target market (with data modelling where possible).
  • Aggregate market research leads through various sources as well as determine new sources to find market research leads
  • Update our market research database and customer relationship manager (CRM).
About the company

Esports How is revolutionizing how job seekers secure entry-level positions in the esports and game industries. We’re creating a unique "one out of one" application strategy to ensure aspiring esports and gaming professionals secure a career in the industry of their dreams. Unlike other career-based services, we’re focused on giving the student what they want: the guarantee of a job in the industry.

We also run the Esports How Discord server, which is a platform where we’re providing free content and a support network for aspiring esports professionals. There, we’re hosting interactive workshops, networking events, and panel discussions.

Esports How was formally a B2B esports consultancy supporting nonprofits and other organizations outside of esports to enter the esports marketplace.