Digital Marketing Sales Rep (Intern)

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Junny Lee
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Digital marketing Sales strategy
hubspot crm sales digital marketing research data import/export customer relationship management
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal is for the candidate to learn about how sales work in the digital marketing industry. The student will learn the ins and out of sales and the process behind it.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Based on 80 hrs of the level-up program the project will be broken up into the following phases (rough estimate)

  1. Review the lead excels sheet and cleanse the data to ensure correct lead data. e.g. correct names, correct website, correct owner. Identify the correct owner by looking at their company linked in (est 2-4 days)
  2. Load in the lead data to our company CRM and ensure that the data import was successful (est <1 day)
  3. Research cold personalized email templates to reach out to these leads based on industries. (est 1-3 days)
  4. Construct the sales sequence in Hubspot. (est 1-4 days)
  5. Load in the leads into the sequence and monitor the lead outreach campaign & tweak if necessary(1-3 days)
  6. If time permits, do a followup phone call to follow up on the email that was sent.
About the company

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