Level UP: Thompson Rivers University (September - February 2025)

Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Level UP Program Team
151/200 project matches
Dates set by teams
Agreements required
2 projects max per company
Payment by funder C$1,400.00
Preferred companies
Sole proprietorship, Startup, Family-Owned, Non profit, Small to medium enterprise
Any industries

Experience scope

No skills listed
Learner goals and capabilities

At Thompson Rivers University, student success is our priority. We empower our students to reach their goals with on-campus and online learning options, individualized student services, hands-on learning opportunities, and a diverse, inclusive environment.

Thompson Rivers University is partnering with Level UP to provide eligible students internship opportunities to help develop real-world, in demand skills. Internships are hosted with Canadian employers who are eager to mentor the next generation of talent.

Powered by Riipen, the leading online work-based learning marketplace, students are paid $1400 by Riipen for each 60-hour project completed over 2-8 weeks. Students can complete up to three projects if accepted by the employer.

For TRU Students: Your program coordinators will provide you with an eligibility form to sign up for the experience.

If eligible, you will be placed on our waitlist. Students will be invited into the experience from the waitlist in two cohorts - during the Fall and Winter semesters. The last day to complete projects is February 21, 2025.

For Employers: You can match up to 2 projects per company. Students will begin applications in September and January.

You must select and accept 1-5 teams per project. Regularly communicate with the students to ensure they submit their final deliverables within 2-8 weeks from their start date and no later than February 21, 2025.

*Note that this experience is limited to 179 spots. Once 179 matches are made, the experience will close to applications.


Workforce Development
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced levels
179 learners
60 hours per learner
Learners apply to projects
Individual projects
Up to 5 team(s) or 5 learner(s) per project.
Each learner can join up to 3 teams
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Projects require clearly defined deliverables outlined in the project description. Deliverables include the working documents and the final project uploaded for review and payment. This may encompass source code, presentations, marketing materials, etc. 

To validate completion, students submit deliverables as uploaded files with a reflective note. Tangible proof or samples of completed work are necessary, with redacted deliverables if under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Project Examples


Use our recommended project template here.

The Level UP team seeks multidisciplinary projects for students to complete in 60 hours over 2-8 weeks. Students cannot work more than 30 hours per week. Project outlines must be clear and descriptive, outlining the main goal, scope, expectations, deliverables, required skills and resources, company overview, and mentorship strategy.

See more project creation considerations here: Creating a Successful Level UP Project for Employers.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q1 - Text short
    What is the postal code of your organization?  *
  • Q2 - Multiple choice
    What is the size of your organization?  *
    • Large (500+)
    • Medium (100-499)
    • Micro (1-9)
    • Small (10-99)
  • Q3 - Number
    Please provide your business number (BN).  *
  • Q4 - Multiple choice
    If you do not have a 9-digit business number, what is the reason?  *
    • Does not file information returns
    • Earns less than $30K in revenue per year
    • Not a registered charity
    • Not incorporated
    • + 2 options
  • Q5 - Multiple choice
    Is the leadership of your organization (founding employees/executives/etc.) a member of at least one of the following demographic groups?  *
    • A member of an Official Language Minority Community (my first language is english and I'm from Quebec, or French and I'm from another province/territory)
    • A visible minority
    • A woman in STEM or another discipline where women are underrepresented
    • Newcomer to Canada (Canadian Citizens, permanent residents and refugees with valid work permits who have immigrated to Canada within the last five years)
    • + 6 options
  • Q6 - Checkbox
  • Q7 - Checkbox